Laser Hair Removal with our Cynosure Elite+™
Upper Lip, Chin, Hands, Areola, Feet, Happy Trail, Sideburns
medium area
Inner Thighs, Bikini, Underarms, Front of Neck, Back of Neck, Jaw Line, Shoulders, Lower Arms, Upper Arms
Large Area
Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Brazilian, Lower Back, Upper Back, Abs, Chest, Full Arms, Full Face, Buttocks
Extra Large Area
Full Back, Full Chest, Full Legs
Full Body
This option is split into two sections, upper and lower body. Appointments can be done the same day or different days.
A full body laser hair removal option is also available in our Gold Membership, Click Here to get more details on the Gold Membership Price.
Memberships and Laser Hair removal
Black Membership: Includes 1 large area a month, 2 medium areas per month, or 3 small areas per month.
Gold Membership: Includes full body laser hair removal per month.
Click Here for more information about our membership pricing.
We always recommend to do at least 8 depending on the area. If the hair is thicker and stubborn, like the Bikini or Brazilian area, we recommend to do anywhere from 10-12 treatments. Please keep in mind that every person has a different body, and some people may require more treatments than others. This may mean that some people may require more than 12 treatments.
Hair growth is often affected by hormones, which means that those who want to get laser lair removal at a very young age and are still adjusting to their hormones may have a harder time getting rid of hair as it is barely settling in. Those who are older in age and are perhaps reaching menopause also have a hormonal imbalance, which means that their hair may be more stubborn and may require more treatments.
It’s also important to keep in mind that white/gray hairs will not be detected by our laser, and these will not be able to be removed by laser hair removal.
18 is the best age to start Laser Hair Removal.
It’s recommended to stop your laser treatments when you are pregnant for better results.